See how Autify is better solution to Selenium

Autify is the Smart
Alternative to Selenium

Companies need solutions that help them make the most of their resources.Time and intelligence are the most valued resources. That is where Autify tackles in.

No-code and intuitive UI makes for an unbeatable 15 min learning curve

Instantly create a Scenario and record the use case through the Autify GUI. All operations will be applied to the Test Scenario. No more waiting to start creating: non-programmers can be on board from day zero.

Your tests are 3x faster than with coded solutions like Selenium

Forget about struggling with locators and frantic searches for those phantom regressions. Optimize your time and exponentially increase your test coverage. Automate faster, automate more.

Autify does maintenance for you, no matter how often your UI changes

Not only will you save money but you will also avoid unnecessary regression tests. Autify’s Machine Learning algorithms can notice the changes in your app’s UI and adapt your Test Scenarios accordingly.

Hold More Value in Each Test Run

Code tools like Selenium have a high and well-earned reputation.
But where does Autify deliver a better service that Selenium does not?
We will let you decide for yourself:
SaaS Delivery
Codeless Test Design
Easy Step Grouping
Built-In Reporting
Cross Browser Testing
Recording GUI
Integrated Parallel Execution
Visual Regression Testing
AI Test Maintenance
Visual Self Healing
Mobile Device Action Capture
Quality Tech Support
Integrated Chatbot

Autify Delivers Higher Quality
by Taking Care of Known Customer Pain Points

This analysis clearly shows us how Autify transcends
the pain points which tools like Selenium tend to feature.
Customer Pain Points
Shallow learning curve. Easy training. No programming knowledge needed. SaaS delivery (no local setup).
Steep learning curve. Requires programming knowledge to properly set up and operate testware.
Simplicity translates to lower hiring/training costs and enhanced productivity in higher revenue.
Higher HR budget. Higher costs at the beginning of a project. Might delay ramp-up momentum or eventually cause a stall.
Smart, quality tech support devising, combining chatbot and human assistance.
No integrated tech support (although documentation abounds online).
No redundant processes. Almost every action takes no more than 2 steps, and many take just 1 click. Multiplatform Web & Mobile testing in the same suite.
Coding often creates unnecessary hassles, making the whole process less smart. No integrated mobile testing (requires third party software/frameworks).

Autify Delivers Higher Quality
by Taking Care of Known Customer Pain Points

This analysis clearly shows us how Autify transcends
the pain points which tools like Selenium tend to feature.
Mrs. Trincy Thomas
QA Director

“With Autify we managed to deploy more than 10 times a day and achieve an 85% coverage.”

GOBankingRates success milestones since Autify implementation:
  • 10+ times daily deployments.
  • Integrated all automated tests into CI/CD pipeline.
  • Reduced time for regression tests down to ⅕ of the time it takes with Selenium.
  • Onboarding for new staff members reduced from 60 days to 2 weeks.
  • 85% of test coverage achieved (65% more than with Selenium).
  • QA team expanded covering more time zones resulting in a 24-hour service.10+ times daily deployments.
Q4, Inc.
Chastain Marchildon
Automation Engineer

“With Autify we managed to automate tests 3x faster, and achieve 85% coverage.”

Q4 success milestones since Autify implementation:
  • 2 sprints max. before full suites automation.
  • Ticket turnaround time notably eased.
  • Maintenance times reduced dramatically.
  • XPath locator hurdles suppressed.
  • x3 faster delivery times.
  • 85% automation coverage.
SMN Corp.
Takahiro Yasuda

“Something that used to take 40 hours now takes virtually zero hours.”

SMN Corp success milestones since Autify implementation:
  • Notably reduced man-hours on regression tests (from 40 to 0 hours).
  • Dramatically reduced staff hiring and training costs.
  • Reduced maintenance costs.
  • Avoid unnecessary regression tests.
  • Increased confidence thanks to Autify quality tech support.
  • Increased motivation of the QA team.
ZOZO, Inc.
Seiji Tsukioka
CTO Division

“We can now run tests automatically 24/7 using Autify.”

ZOZO, Inc. success milestones since Autify implementation:
  • Simplification of tasks for non-programming staff.
  • Horizontal expansion of Autify within the company (beyond QA).
  • Execution times reduced to 80% by using Parallel Execution.
  • Achieved 24/7 testing by scheduling test plans via Autify Triggers.
  • Effective cross-browser/cross-platform testing.
  • Increased confidence thanks to Autify quality tech support.

Don't just take our word.
Give it a try to see why this is the best alternate solution to Selenium.

Ensure software stability with Autify's AI-driven automated regression testing. Explore Autify's features and start your journey to efficient, reliable testing today!