In an interview with Mr. Kawamura (QA Group, Development Support Department at Demae-Can Co., Ltd.), we asked how they solved challenges by automating testing with Autify and what results they achieved.
🎯 Challenges and Background Before Implementing Autify
The team was manually performing simple pre-release testing for core features, such as login, adding products, and payment. However, as the service scaled up, it became necessary to test the quality of non-core functions as well.
For each weekly release, it took two people two days to manually run regression tests.
Shortening the test period was a key issue in increasing the agility of feature releases.
📄 What they did when implementing Autify
The team identified the scenarios that test high-priority user stories and scrutinized what can and cannot be automated. They grouped test cases into common components and started implementing and using Autify NoCode Web.
Looking at the regression test specifications, they prioritized automating test scenarios that are frequently visually inspected.
After seeing results with Autify NoCode Web, the team also started implementing and using Autify NoCode Mobile.
Autify NoCode Web: During the one-month validation period, the team created approximately 20 scenarios, evaluated and reviewed the implementation within the team, and further created approximately 120 scenarios over two months.
Autify NoCode Mobile: the team evaluated for three months, creating scenarios similar to Autify NoCode Web in approximately two months.
Test results are automatically entered into a test management tool, and the team receives Slack notifications. Currently, about 80% of testing is automated.
🏆 Results from implementing Autify
Time spent on weekly regression testing was reduced by 50%.
Issues are detected quickly, easing anxiety about weekly releases.
Test coverage has improved.
Interest in automated testing has increased for the whole project.
Mr. Kawamura's Comments
By implementing Autify, we successfully automated the majority of regression testing at Demae-Can, significantly reducing man-hours. We used to have a negative impression of automated testing - we thought it would lead to key-person dependency and high maintenance costs. However, Autify allows you to create and edit scenarios with no-code, and it has an excellent feature for grouping common processes. Even members who don’t have coding experience can easily maintain scenarios.
Another major advantage is its ability to run multiple test scenarios in parallel, and it's simple to view evidence of results through images and video. This allows us to swiftly examine test results and promptly investigate the cause when an issue is identified. Autify's support is excellent, too. We can contact them directly about any challenges we're having regarding testing.
About Demae-Can Co., Ltd.
At Demae-Can Co., Ltd., we operate one of the largest delivery services in Japan: Delivery-Can. With the mission to “increase the value of time through technology,” given that time is finite, we aim to make people’s lives and time more valuable through the power of tech. We also aim to revitalize local economies by developing services that are rooted in each region and become the "life infrastructure" of the future that supports all people. What we deliver is not just food and goods—we also want to connect people in the community and bring them happy times.